If you want to go fast, go alone
If you want to go far, go with others
African proverb
Cagliari (Italy)
October 7th to 9th, 2019
The aim of the Learning by Leaving Conferences is to establish closer cooperation amongst the European mobility networks through regular exchange of information, best practices and peer-learning, as well as to better exploit synergies to boost the quality of service provision.
Why attend the Cagliari “Unconference”?
We are already high performing teams! This is a chance to speak with colleagues across networks about what can make us even better in terms of appropriate information, guidance and competencies.
Whatever you care about - from the practical to the philosophical - is welcome. We have challenging excellence and performance goals. We join to build on our strengths, uncover ways of implementing best practices across teams and even impact our organizations. We will meet because each one of us has something important to offer to this process. So, come prepared to work hard and have fun as we prepare to take a leap forward!
What will we focus on?
The Cagliari Conference is a milestone in a three-year journey.
We will pick up where we left off and take stock of the Cologne outcomes. Then, we will exchange views on themes or burning issues that we feel passionate about, such as:
Reaching our end users
- What should we do differently to get the employers on board?
- Can we think of new ways to reach our target groups?
Building our capacity
- As mobility experts, which competences should we (further) develop?
- Which tools/initiatives can help us improve our e-guidance capacity?
Making competences visible
- How can competences acquired abroad be transferred and recognized?
- What role can digitization play in the process?
We will be able to put forward any other topics concerning mobility recommendations that we feel strong about at any point.
So, let’s continue our journey and make it happen!
How will we work?
To promote everyone’s active engagement, we will adopt the Open Space Technology (OST) Method, a participant-driven process whose agenda is created by participants.
Open Space meetings are referred to as “self-organizing” or “unconferences” because both the agenda and the discussions are developed by participants. And as the agenda is a work-in-progress, we do not know exactly which specific or additional issues will be addressed.
The outcomes - built into the process – mirror the genuine interests and sense of ownership of the participants.
Attend the Cagliari Learning by Leaving Conference and allow the European spirit to soar!
Day 1
10:00-12:30 Arrival and registration
12:30-13:30 Light lunch (Running coffee will be available during the entire working day)
14:00-14:30 Welcome and introduction
14:30-15:00 Opening speeches
Alessandra Zedda - Councilor for Labor, Vocational Training, Cooperation and Social Security - Autonomous Region of Sardinia
Salvatore Pirrone - Director General - ANPAL, Italian National Agency for Active Labour Market Policies
15:00-16:00 Session topic speeches
Denis Genton - Head of Unit D.1 (Labour Mobility, Free Movement of Workers, EURES) - European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
- Labour Mobility in the EU – Latest Developments
Carlo Scatoli - Policy Officer - European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
- Skills on the move
16:00–16:30 Break
16:30–18:00 Q&A session
Key outcomes from the Cologne Conference
Presentation of work programme
Ice breaking, group picture and closing Day 1
20:15 Social dinner
Day 2
09:00–10:00 Open Space Technology - Opening session > Which challanges and opportunities are related to outreach, practitioners capacity building and competence certification?
10:00–13:00 Open Space Technology Session (facilitated by Monica Puel - ANPAL)
12:00–14:00 Light lunch (Running coffee will be available during the entire working day)
13:00–17:00 Open Space Technology Session (facilitated by Monica Puel - ANPAL)
17:00–17:30 Ballu Tundu (Traditional Sardinian dance)
18:00–19:30 Cultural tours in downtown Cagliari
Day 3
09:30-10:30 Open Space Technology - Closing Session (facilitated by Monica Puel - ANPAL)
10:30-11:00 Handover with Austria
11:00-12:00 Exhibition, graphic reporting and final evaluation
12:00-13:30 Light lunch (Running coffee will be available during the entire working day)
13:30 Departure