If you want to go fast, go alone
If you want to go far, go with others
African proverb
The Learning by Leaving Conference is a joint effort of four European Commission mobility networks - EURES, Eurodesk, Euroguidance and Europass.
After a few year break (the last Learning by Leaving Conference took place in Uppsala, Sweden in 2012), the conference was revamped in Cologne (Germany) in November 2018, as the first of a series of Learning by Leaving Conferences to be organized over a three-year period.
In 2019 the conference will take place in Cagliari (Italy), while in 2020 it will be Austria to host it.
Conference objectives
The aim of Learning by Leaving conferences is to establish closer cooperation between the European mobility networks through regular exchanges of information, best practices and peer-learning, as well as to make better use of synergies to increase the quality of the service provision.
As European mobility facilitators, we, the networks EURES, Eurodesk, Euroguidance and Europass, need to keep the European spirit going by ensuring that learners and workers are provided with the appropriate information, guidance and competences before and when deciding to go abroad.
Thus, the aim of the 2019 Learning by Leaving Conference is to build upon the 2018 results, strengthen cooperation between the networks while at the same time focusing on the next generation EU funded mobility schemes and programmes.
The conference will enable participants to network, share innovative practices and tools, set up cooperation with other networks and to obtain information on initiatives regarding mobility at European level.
We will offer plenary sessions and other networking activities, plus a chance to discover Cagliari's beauties.
Conference venue
The conference will be held at the Manifattura Tabacchi premises, built in the second half of the 18th century.
Towards the end of the nineteenth century it reached its full productivity but closed down in 2001, due to a period of crisis. Over the years, the structure has been gradually enriched with new buildings and now is a 6,000 square meters conference centre located in the heart of Cagliari.
Conference final report
At this page, you can find the 2019 Learning by Leaving Conference Final Report and all related materials and documentation.